Turks and Caicos Weather Forecast
Our Climate and Average Weather
The Turks and Caicos Islands doesn’t see the drastic change in seasons that other regions do, and typically have great and sunny weather. The climate here is always warm, with a range from 75° (24°C) in the winter months to 95° (35°C) in the summer. There’s a slight range in day-to-day conditions, with slightly higher wind speeds in winter than during summer, yet the summer months also bring the chance of a hurricane or tropical cyclone.
Planning Your Vacation around the Weather Forecast

To have the most enjoyable outdoor experiences, we highly advise planning your vacation activities in the Turks and Caicos around the weather forecast.
Snorkeling and Paddling
The best conditions for snorkeling, kayaking, and stand-up paddleboarding are had on windless days, and it’s best to plan these activities around the forecast. On calm days, undertaker visibility is better, and you won’t have to fight localized wind waves.
It’s always nice to scuba dive during very calm weather, however, surface conditions do not matter as much once under the surface of the water.
Boat Cruises

As may be expected, boat cruises and tours are typically most-pleasant on calm days. Many of the popular boat excursion destinations near Providenciales are sheltered in typical wind conditions, including Half Moon Bay, Water Cay, Fort George Cay, and the West Caicos Marine National Park, yet smooth water conditions are always optimal!
Land Activities
Due to our typically high temperatures, hiking and land activities are best suited for windy and overcast days. We don’t get many cloudy days, which is just as well as our selection of land sports is quite limited!
The Wind Sports
Avid kiteboarders and windsurfers are used to consulting wind forecasts. Predictions are generally accurate, yet there can be a little variance depending on location. The experienced wind on Providenciales is often slightly less than projected, yet is more accurate for Grand Turk, Salt Cay and South Caicos.
Finding a Calm Beach

The Turks and Caicos is generally blessed with wonderful weather. However, if the conditions at your favorite beach happen to be choppy or rough, it’s often possible to find another beautiful beach that’s a bit calmer.
As a general rule, the ocean conditions on the windward side of the island (the side directly exposed to the wind) will be rougher than those on the leeward side (in this case we’re referring to the sheltered side of the island and not the Leeward area!).
For the majority of the time, the Turks and Caicos experiences an east-southeast trade wind, which results in breezy conditions at beaches on Providenciales such as Long Bay, Turtle Tail, and Five Cays.
Taylor Bay Beach and Sapodilla Bay Beach near Chalk Sound are almost always calm, due to their western location and the surrounding hills.