Cooper Jack Bay Providenciales

Cooper Jack Bay is a region on the central south coast of Providenciales that supports a mix of low-density homes and residential parcels, and mixed-use commercial and industrial properties. The small Cooper Jack Bay Beach fronts the area.
The high ground and hills that front the south coast of Cooper Jack Bay reach heights of more than 100 feet (30 meters) and offer spectacular views over the turquoise waters of the Caicos Banks. A small network of canals isolates Cooper Jack from the adjacent Venetian Road, Discovery Bay, and Turtle Tail areas.
The quiet south-eastern Cooper Jack region mainly supports low-density residential development, with some rental villas. An unfinished marina project and canals are also located in the area.
The Cheshire Hall Creek (named after Cheshire Hall Plantation) marine tidal system separates Cooper Jack Bay from the Five Cays region, the Providenciales International Airport (PLS), and the eastern reaches of South Dock Road.
The coastal bluff and hill environment at Cooper Jack supports several unique and beautiful Turks and Caicos plants, including the tall orchid, Inagua orchid, and the interesting Candlewood bush, which looks like miniature holly.
Cooper Jack Bay Beach
Cooper Jack Bay is home to a small yet beautiful beach, hidden at the bottom of the limestone cliffs. Here, a white sand beach offers seclusion and shallow water. At high tides, there isn’t much or any dry non-submerged sand, yet there’s usually a sufficient strip of pristine sand.
Cooper Jack Rock, a small limestone cay, is located 500 feet (150 meters) offshore.
On the eastern side of Cooper Jack Bay is another beach, located adjacent to the inlet to South Side Marina. The beach and water quality, however, isn’t quite as beautiful as at the western beach, and brokeb shells and rocks saturate the area. When swimming at the beach near South Side Marina, be aware of vessel traffic.
When exploring the coastal area, be aware of the poisonous coral sumac tree. This coastal plant can cause serious skin irritations and rashes when touched, and for some, respiratory irritation if approached after rains.
Karst Activity and Caves

The Turks and Caicos is rife with Karst Process cave features large and small, and Cooper Jack once was home to a small yet impressive site, and a renowned Caribbean cave expert opined that the area “would form an excellent natural preserve to allow the public to see a wide range of Karst features”.
The limestone cliffs above the beach at Cooper Jack Bay supported about 40 sinkholes and small caves, and collectively was one of the more impressive Karst sites on Providenciales.
Nearly all caves in the area have since been destroyed and filled in for a villa development project.
Development Concerns
Like many areas in the Turks and Caicos, the Cooper Jack Bay area is undergoing rapid development, and there are concerns of unsightly structures and the encroachment and misuse of parcels for industrial and commercial use in what is largely a residential community.
Cooper Jack Bay in the past was a very promising and scenic area, yet several factors have limited high-end development, including an expansive marina project that remains unfinished, canal systems that have accumulated dysfunctional commercial fishing vessels, and poorly-maintained entry roads with primary accesses via intersections that experience traffic congestion. As the Cooper Jack area continues to evolve, a vicious cycle emerges of the undesirable factors limiting property values, which in turn discourages better quality development.
As is also the case with many areas on the western side of Providenciales, littering issues plague many dead-end roads and turnarounds at Cooper Jack.