We Funk

A mainstay of Maskanoo and the Providenciales Fish Fry, We Funk is the oldest Junkanoo band in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The band came together in 1983 and was originally based on South Caicos, where it first performed at the South Caicos Regatta.
Today, We Funk is based on Providenciales. The band—typically 15 to 30 people for most performances, though it can produce more than 50 members for larger events—is led by its original founder, Bahamian-Turks and Caicos Islander Kitchener Penn.
A variety of costumes and instruments created by the We Funk band are on display at the Junkanoo Museum.
Junkanoo Music
Junkanoo is a genre of music and a cultural tradition that, while practiced on several islands, is thought to have originated in the Bahamas during slavery. It was brought to the Turks and Caicos through migration and cultural transmission with the Bahamas.
We Funk’s (very loud) sound is created by a mixture of wind and percussion instruments. At one of the band's performances, you’ll hear participants beating synthetic and goat-, cow-, and sheep-skin drums, blowing into whistles and horns, and rattling shakers. The band performs in elaborately decorated, colorful costumes made from cardboard, crepe paper, and feathers, which adds an exciting visual element to the performance.

The word Junkanoo is thought to be an anglicization of the French term gens inconnus (unknown people), describing the common Junkanoo practice of wearing masks. Another theory of Junkanoo's etymological origin is that it's named after Ghanaian warrior John Canoe, who rebelled and fought against European colonists in the 18th century.
Where We Funk Performs
Seeing a junkanoo band perform is a thrilling experience for those visiting the Turks and Caicos. Luckily, We Funk has several gigs per week that you can attend, which includes its Junkanoo rush at Da Conch Shack on Wednesday nights and Fish Fry performance every Thursday.
Throughout the year, the band parades at festivals, corporate events, private villas, restaurants, and luxury resorts like The Palms, the Ritz-Carlton, and Beaches.
We Funk's largest event of the year is Maskanoo, a parade that falls on Boxing Day.